Giving Life

Guest Speaker: Dr. Jay Taksony Hewitt, MDivWorship Leader: Mark SimpsonSpecial Musician: Karen HeatherOn this Mother's Day, we will gather to celebrate the impulse to give life as a form of loving existence for the sake of others--and as a generous form of lived communion. We will look to learn how we might live with hearts […]

Sanctuary of Support – Video

Guest Speaker: Rev. Kate LoreWorship Leader: Kate NunnMusic: Eileen Soskin In this uplifting message, we will explore the ways in which our shared values and collective efforts create a sanctuary of support and belonging. Come discover how our Chalice Circles program and Pastoral Care of each can guide us toward a more compassionate and interconnected […]

Packing Light – Video

Guest minister: Rev. Victoria SaffordWorship Leader: Effie BrownSpecial Musician: Karen Heather The greening land in springtime is a reliable source of hope here in the north, but the times are dark and frightening.  In the midst of confusion, war and sorrow, what wisdom is offered us by ancient traditions and holidays? Passover tells the great […]

The Holy Surrounds Us – Video

Guest Speaker: Rev. Richard (Rick) Mylander Worship Leader: Terra Anderson Special Music: Erin and Samantha Howard Tech Support: Jay Taksony Hewitt & Tom Pocock Many people experience nature or Earth care as a spiritual pathway to connection with the divine, even to God as they understand God.  Why is this?  What is it about nature […]

Where Have We Been and Where are We going?  An Odyssey in Real Time – Video

Guest Speaker: Rev. Elizabeth "Kit" Ketcham Worship Leader: Mavis Cauffman Musicians: Eileen Soskin and Ken Merrell I remember being a neophyte minister, back in the year 1999, and learning that our UUMA chapter had a yearly tradition, at our spring retreat, of having one of our longtime, seasoned ministers speak about their life in ministry, […]