Copyright Unitarian Universalist Association
Frequently Asked Questions
What makes Unitarian Universalism different?
Rather than having one creed, Unitarian Universalism considers many world religions and secular philosophies as sources of truth. We believe in religious freedom, and our community encourages people to explore their individual spiritual paths.
How does the Congregation nurture a sense of community?
We honor the inherent worth and dignity of each person while encouraging all to discover how we are connected to the world. We have several small groups (men’s group, women’s group, hiking, chime choir) and a Caring Connections group to provide short term assistance to congregants. We also have a Pastoral Care team to support those who are grieving. Beyond our doors, we engage together in a variety of community outreach projects to strengthen our larger community. We also have regular social events and sponsor several interest groups.
Does the Congregation welcome everyone?
Our doors are wide open to all ages, ethnic groups, genders, religious backgrounds, sexual orientations, spiritual beliefs, and abilities.
Is your building accessible?
Yes. We are wheelchair accessible throughout.
What are your services like?
We gather in fellowship to hear inspiring and thought provoking sermons on a wide range of topics such as world religions, spirituality, social justice, current events and personal development. Our music is as diverse as our theology. In addition to congregational hymns, we hear and enjoy classical, folk, show tunes, and bluegrass. Members and guests sometimes have an opportunity to share joys and sorrows during Sunday services and always continue fellowship during a coffee time afterward.
What do adults wear to your services?
You are welcome to come in whatever makes you comfortable, whether it’s slacks, jeans, dress, or coat and tie. Be yourself.
Where are you located?
20103 State Route 525, on the west side of the highway just north of Freeland.
Where do I park?
You are welcome to drop someone off on the concrete apron in front of the door, to be greeted and helped by our congregants, prior to parking. Three parking spaces reserved for the mobility impaired are located just beyond the building, to the left of the entrance.
Hearing Assist Devices are available from the ushers for Sunday services and other UUCWI sponsored events.
What happens when I enter the building?
Our building is all on one floor and there are no steps to navigate at any of our entry doors. The far-left door opens with an accessible button. Greeters will welcome you and point you in the right direction. Stop at the Welcome Table and meet a Greeter who will share information about our morning activities.
Will I be pressured to join or be saved?
No. We will welcome you, send you our e-news if you ask for it, and introduce you to others if desired, but we won’t pressure you. We believe in “universal salvation”, the inherent worth of every human being.
Does the Congregation have a nursery?
At this time, we do not. Children are welcome to stay with their parents in the sanctuary during services.