Where Have We Been and Where are We going?  An Odyssey in Real Time – Video

Guest Speaker: Rev. Elizabeth "Kit" Ketcham Worship Leader: Mavis Cauffman Musicians: Eileen Soskin and Ken Merrell I remember being a neophyte minister, back in the year 1999, and learning that our UUMA chapter had a yearly tradition, at our spring retreat, of having one of our longtime, seasoned ministers speak about their life in ministry, […]

Embracing the Storm – Video

Guest Speaker: Kurt Hoelting Kurt Hoelting shares stories from his recent experiences with Central American refugees in Mexico, volunteering with Ukrainian refugees in Poland, and leading a week-long Zen Peace Vigil in Kyiv, Ukraine. He reflects on what made these experiences powerful for him, the growing crisis of forcibly displaced peoples, and the positive impact […]

Unbelieving the Unbelievable: Living, Dying, Living – Video

Guest Speaker: Joseph Bednarik Though death is as natural as ashes and dust, for human beings what happens after death is considered one of the greatest mysteries. On this High Holy Day of Easter, we explore the miracle of life after death, and like Thomas reach out to touch the Teacher. Worship Leader: Kate Nunn […]

We Are The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For – Video

Guest Speaker: Rev. Martha Durkee-Newman Worship leader: Toyan Copeland Musician: Eileen Soskin Our religious communities are the places where we practice the world to come. But what does that really look like for us? How can we build our community to reflect the world we want to see? After all, we are the ones we've […]

Growing Essential Relationships – Video

Supporting UUCWI deepens our sense of belonging, strengthens our bonds with one another, and empowers us to create change in the world. Be inspired and uplifted by the boundless potential of our shared community. With the Reverend Kate LoreWorship leader:  Gary HattalSpecial music:  Eileen Soskin, Ken Merrill, with support from Janet Garrow, Patricia Pocock, Clara […]