Two Stories of Christmas

Please join us in person, there will be no Zoom for this service. With Terra Anderson, Effie Brown, Mary Goolsby, Jay Taksony Hewitt, Judy Kaplan, Remmel Nunn, and Patricia Pocock […]

Stargazers, Lightseekers – Video

Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Catherine FooteWorship Leader: Ruth Richards The Christian tradition, and most especially the Eastern Orthodox Church, celebrates January 6th as Epiphany. It is a remembrance of the […]

Something Judges Us, Something Accepts Us – Video

Guest Speaker: Rev. Bruce BodeWorship Leader: Terra Anderson “You are perfect the way you are … and you could use a little improvement,” writes Japanese Zen teacher Shunryu Suzuki. This […]

Joyful Effort

Guest Speaker: Rev. Leslie Boies Buddhism teaches various virtues and qualities we can cultivate to help us live our lives wholeheartedly and free from suffering. One of them is Joyful […]