“To read is to fly:
it is to soar to a point of vantage
which gives a view over wide terrains
of history, human variety, ideas, shared experience
and the fruits of many inquiries.”
A. C. Grayling
The role of the UUCWI Library Committee is to manage the UUCWI book collection, and to facilitate book-related activities for Congregational Members and Friends.
In-depth discussions of single titles are especially encouraged, such as the annual UU Common Read. Discussions of other titles that speak to our seven guiding principles are additional possibilities. Participation in our 2nd Sunday Book Talk sessions are encouraged as well.
The Library Committee welcomes into its fold any Congregation Member or Friend who would like to offer us their energy & talents!
The Library Committee also provides opportunities for Members & Friends to occasionally help out with some of the Library’s needs and events, as we believe that even a few hours of this kind of involvement will help us all become more aware of the importance reading has in our lives. Some might simply want to help by spending 15-20 minutes on a Sunday tidying up the shelves, or perhaps browsing for books they think others might want to know about and then displaying them in our foyer before or after a Sunday Service. Or perhaps, if they serve on one of our many Standing Committees, they might want to browse our shelves for books they think might be useful to that Committee and share those titles with them. Those who choose these ways to “help out” at UUCWI help, in turn, other members of the Congregation become aware of our Library resources.
20103 State Route 525
Freeland, Washington
P.O. Box 1076
Freeland, WA 98249
[email protected]