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Week of Events
The Wisdom of Uncertainty
The Wisdom of Uncertainty
Speakers: Rev. Kurt HoeltingWorship Leader: Ruth RichardsSpecial Musician: Heidi Hoelting In a time of cultural and political upheaval in the United States, Kurt will draw from his newly published book Apprentice To The Wild to explore the spiritual benefits of uncertainty as a posture of heart and mind in the face of an always unknown […]
VAC Art Show Opening (Gallery)
OWL Classes (Cascade Room)
Visual Arts Cttee
Caring Circle
Caring Circle
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81562687339?pwd=Skx5MU1ndVZuOVpocFZnNFkrSlJtZz09 Christi Shaffer
Men’s Group
Men’s Group
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89258799002?pwd=a3c4dU9VeHhYYzhqWlhyOHFDSENn Contact Don Winebrinner for details.
Women’s Group