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Week of Events
Let My Faith Be My Guide (Video)
Let My Faith Be My Guide (Video)
Speakers: Rev. Zackrie VinczenWorship Leader: Mavis CauffmanSpecial Musician: Heather McCoy and Eileen Soskin Navigating the complex relational dynamics of life can be exhausting - and yet I fundamentally believe that we need to make it work to survive. The alternative is isolation or solipsism. But how do we make it work? How do we move […]
OWL Classes (Cascade Room)
Worship Committee
BOT (Regular)
Caring Circle
Caring Circle
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81562687339?pwd=Skx5MU1ndVZuOVpocFZnNFkrSlJtZz09 Christi Shaffer
Men’s Group
Men’s Group
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89258799002?pwd=a3c4dU9VeHhYYzhqWlhyOHFDSENn Contact Don Winebrinner for details.