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Week of Events
Story Wars (Video)
Story Wars (Video)
Speaker: Rev. Lynnaea LumbardWorship Leaders: Terra Anderson & Janet GarrowSpecial Musician: Eileen Soskin We are in a time of story wars, competing narratives of what is true, who we are as human beings, and how we are to relate to each other and our planet. What story do we choose? What is our “north star” […]
Quaker Fellowship
OWL Classes (Cascade Room)
VAC (Gallery)
Visual Arts Cttee
Caring Circle
Caring Circle
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81562687339?pwd=Skx5MU1ndVZuOVpocFZnNFkrSlJtZz09 Christi Shaffer
Men’s Group
Men’s Group
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89258799002?pwd=a3c4dU9VeHhYYzhqWlhyOHFDSENn Contact Don Winebrinner for details.
Women’s Group
Signage Meeting (Cascade Room)