Week of Events
Re-thinking Social Justice in an Age of Moral Confusion
Re-thinking Social Justice in an Age of Moral Confusion
Music by Karen Heather Speaker: Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum Increasingly, we seem unable to bring any nuance to discussions of morality. We divide the world into us and them, good people and evil people. That which is morally complex, we oversimplify. And what should elicit unequivocal moral outrage instead elicits hesitation and paralysis. How can our […]
3rd Sunday Lunch Bunch
3rd Sunday Lunch Bunch
Join us at 11:30 at China City.We order family-style and easily share the cost as well as the various tastes. Yum!Alcohol is paid for separately.Look for the clipboard at the Welcome Table in the foyer to sign up.
OWL Parent Meeting (Cascade Room)
Quaker Meeting
Quaker Fellowship
Caring Circle
Caring Circle
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81562687339?pwd=Skx5MU1ndVZuOVpocFZnNFkrSlJtZz09 Christi Shaffer
Men’s Group
Men’s Group
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89258799002?pwd=a3c4dU9VeHhYYzhqWlhyOHFDSENn Contact Don Winebrinner for details.
Women’s Group
Work Party
Male Ensemble Northwest (M.E.N.) Concert
Male Ensemble Northwest (M.E.N.) Concert
Male Ensemble Northwest “M.E.N.” wows their audiences with their rich vocal harmonies. The singers, all professional music educators, come from various parts of the Northwest and will open the 2024-2-2025 season of the UUCWI Artist Series. Their love of music and harmonizing together is like a beautiful aura of joy that surrounds you and flows out […]