Hymn Sing

Worship Leader: Kate NunnSpecial Musician: Eileen SoskinLead Singers: Effie Brown, Mavis Cauffman, Richard Gammon, Jane Hayes, Ken Merrell, Patricia Duarte-Pocock, Ruth Richards, Joanna Roomes, Kate Sheppard Come sing a song with us. Come learn award-winning UU hymns. Come for the joy of singing together.Let's gather to encourage the spiritual growth of our congregation by raising […]

UU Hikes Hoypus Point

Hoypus Point Join in a 5.0 – 6.0 mile hike at Hoypus Point in Deception Pass State Park at Cornet Bay.  Although this is a “moderate” hike, there is a 400 foot elevation gain, so hiking poles and water are recommended. Time:  Plan on hiking from 11:00 to 1:30 with time for lunch on the […]