Poetry Reading (2024 Artist Series)

Judith Adams Judith Adams is an English-born poet living on Whidbey Island, Washington State. Judith has published four books of poetry and recorded several CDs of her work and performances. She has two children’s books published by Wynstones Press in England. Her poems have been published in magazines and anthologies and her poetry choreographed for […]

The Holy Surrounds Us – Video

Guest Speaker: Rev. Richard (Rick) Mylander Worship Leader: Terra Anderson Special Music: Erin and Samantha Howard Tech Support: Jay Taksony Hewitt & Tom Pocock Many people experience nature or Earth care as a spiritual pathway to connection with the divine, even to God as they understand God.  Why is this?  What is it about nature […]

Event Series 3rd Sunday Lunch Bunch

3rd Sunday Lunch Bunch

Join us at 11:30 at China City.We order family-style and easily share the cost as well as the various tastes. Yum!Alcohol is paid for separately.Look for the clipboard at the Welcome Table in the foyer to sign up.