Hymn Sing

Worship Leader: Kate NunnSpecial Musician: Eileen SoskinLead Singers: Effie Brown, Mavis Cauffman, Richard Gammon, Jane Hayes, Ken Merrell, Patricia Duarte-Pocock, Joanna Roomes, Kate Sheppard Come sing a song with us. Come learn award-winning UU hymns. Come for the joy of singing together.Let's gather to encourage the spiritual growth of our congregation by raising our voices […]


Music by Joy Tjoelker Speaker: Rev. Kate Lore Service leaders: Effie Brown Coming Home to a place, a people and more fully to ourselves.

This I Believe

Music by Ken Merrell Service leaders: Ruth and Sarah Richards Originally brought to UUCWI by Sarah Richards back in the late 1990’s, our This I Believe service is a perennial favorite. The This I Believe concept started with the 1951 series by Edward Murrow! We will hear from four of our congregational members who offer […]

Animals are a Blessing

With Dr Jay Taksony Hewitt, Rebecca MacIain, Grey Bialik, and Terra Anderson Special music with Erin Howard and the UUCWI Chimes group Tintinnabulation: Frances Wood, Sandy Welch,  Kate Sheppard,  Jane Hayes, Mary Goolsby, and Mavis Cauffman How many of us have loved and been loved by animals throughout our lives?  How were we formed and changed by that love? […]

Thoreau’s Tax Protest

With Members of our CongregationCome hear the circumstances of Henry David Thoreau's arrest in 1846 for refusing to pay taxes that helped fund the Mexican-American War. Thoreau's essay, Civil Disobedience, was an inspiration to both Gandhi and MLK, Jr.