Reading Camp

Guest Minister: Rev. Amanda AikmanWorship Leader: Kate NunnMusic: Yana Viniko, piano & Aniela Perry, celloA light-hearted look at that most perfect of summer occupations--as well as a novel (!) suggestion about how to enjoy the season to its utmost.

Rooted in Justice

Guest Speaker: Rev. Erika HewittWorship Leader: Mavis Cauffman Guest Musician: Karen Heather Throughout our Unitarian, Universalist, and UU histories, our religious ancestors found ways to practice liberation and justice in both bold and secret ways. This morning we’ll celebrate some of the stories that connect us to our justice-making roots.

Remembering Our Beloveds

Among the most powerful of the stories we tell ourselves and one another are those that keep alive the memories of our departed loved ones. Please join us as  we share pictures, songs, stories and a candle lighting ceremony honoring those who have touched and changed our lives in so many ways.  Worship leaders: Effie […]


Guest Speaker: Joseph BednarikWorship Leader: Mavis Cauffman In his poem “Revenge,” Palestinian poet Taha Muhammad Ali imagines meeting the man who killed his father, and what form his revenge will take. This Sunday we join Taha as he confronts and considers one of humanity’s most intense and corrosive forces.