Guest Speaker: Rev. Kate Lore, Interim Pastoral Care Minister Worship Leaders: Kate Nunn Special Music: Jane Hayes, Ken Merrell, and Karen Heather There is a crack in everything,” sings Leonard Cohen, “that’s how the light gets in.”During a breakup or a breakdown, during a life loss or an unexpected transition, what gifts await us when […]

Warning: Content and Otherwise – Video

Guest Speaker: Joseph BednarickWorship Leader: Ruth RichardsPianist: Erin Howard This Sunday we celebrate the theory and practice of warnings--content and otherwise--and ask aloud: How shall we engage and grow in our complex and glimmering world?

More Than a Box of Chocolates: Heart-Opening Vulnerabilities and Their Gifts – Transcript

Guest Speaker: Barbara Wolf TeraoWorship Leaders: Effie Brown & Patricia Duarte Researcher Brene Brown asserts, "Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change." While many of us tend to hide or deny our vulnerabilities, we all have them. What benefits might they hold for us? What is the soul trying to tell us? Exploring […]

Habitable Alien Worlds – Video

Guest Speaker: Rev. Amanda AikmanWorship Leader: Terra Anderson Why are habitable exoplanets bad news for humanity? What would it mean to discover that we are not alone in the universe?

Living with Moral Injury – Video

Guest Speaker: Rev. April FrazierWorship Leader: Mark Simpson Moral injury is a human condition, suffered as a part of living in a world where we, others and the earth are harmed by actions or the failure to act. How do we integrate these experiences to be able to continue to live when everywhere we look […]